43221 Queen Elizabeth Sixth Form College

Friday, 26 April 2013


AS Media Production: Final Skills Audit Print Production

Name:                         Tutor group:              Date:

Photographic Skills
Which of the following photographic features/equipment have you used on a camera before:

Comments if yes – where have you completed this skills and to what level
Manual Focus features

I used this feature on the camera in order to ensure my camera was in focus allowing me to take a clear image.

Shutter Speed

I used the shutter speed settings on the camera during skills development, taking photos of moving objects and capturing them in motion, subjects such as moving cars and running water.

Aperture control


ISO Control


A tripod

I have used a tripod when taking images to hold the camera in a stable position.

External flash

I have used an external flash to provide light for the images I have taken for my product.

Self timer facility

I used the self timer facility in order to take photos on a timer.

Light meter


Composition grids

I have used composition grids to allow me to align the subject which I am taking a photo of correctly.

Photoshop Skills
Which of the following features of Photoshop have you used before:

Comments if yes – where have you completed this skills and to what level
Text control

I have used text control to manipulate text.


I have used filters in order to apply a certain colour to images.


I used the brushes in Photoshop during skills development,  I used it to create cuts on a face during a tutorial.


I have used layers within my project to place objects in the correct order; this allowed me to edit a certain element at will.

Opacity control


Shape creation

I used this tool in order to create shapes, I created rectangular boxes in my front cover to include content.

Brightness and contrast control

I used the brightness and contrast control to manipulate my images to be brighter or more or less contrasted.


I used the gradients tool in order to change colours, such as different brightness levels.
Load selection features

I have used the load selection features in Photoshop to create 3D effects on text, during skills development then eventually within my final product.



Colour curves adjustment


Resolution setting control


Magnetic lasso, polygon lasso tool

I used this image to cut around objects and paste them elsewhere. I used this in my final product for my front cover, I used a found image and cut around it to place on my front cover.

Cropping tool

I used the cropping tool to cut down images.

Clone tool

I used the clone tool during a tutorial in which I cleared up a face of a woman with acne.

Retouch tool

I used the retouch to edit peoples skin in order to clear blemishes etc.

In Design Skills
Which of the following features of In Design have you used before:

Comments if yes – where have you completed this skills and to what level
Have you ever used In design ever before?

To create magazine double page spreads.

Margin and column guide creation

I used this tool, in order to place items within my double page spread such as text in the correct position on each page.

Inserting an image ID

I used this tool in order to place images on my double page spread.

Resizing images in ID

I used this tool to manipulate images, making them larger or smaller.

Text manipulation – resizing, rotation

I used this tool in order to make text larger/smaller as well as

Text manipulation – controlling kerning and leading


Text flow creation

I used this tool to allow text to flow continuously form one text box to another.

Using transparent imagery in ID


Shape/line creation In design

I used this tool to create shapes and lines such as rectangular breakout boxes on my DPS.

Exporting to PDF from In-design

I used this tool to export my final product for hand in.

Text Wrap


I used this tool in order to place text around an object such as an image.


I have chosen to revise my final product, I felt the diagonal orientation of the left hand page of my double page spread did not have the right feel and I thought that changing the breakout boxes at the bottom of the page to be horizontal made the left hand page fit in more with the rest of the double page spread. I have also chosen to use a different image than in my previous version, This is the same image as the front cover however I think the fact that it takes up the whole of the right hand side of the page makes it a more effective and powerful image that looks more professional.

Monday, 18 March 2013

I began making my DPS and two collumns was not enough to fit all the text content on and make it

Thursday, 14 March 2013


This is my front cover in development stage, as you can see it is beginning to look like a professional front cover.

Monday, 11 March 2013


This is my final front cover, created in Photoshop.

This was the first draft of my final product I handed in. I have used text creation tools as well as rectangular boxes to contain my information, I think I need to revise this version as the image is quite small and could have a lot more impact if larger. however I think the right hand page of my double page spread looks professional and I will not be revising this element.

Monday, 4 March 2013


I have chosen to include two found images on my front cover as this is typical of the magazine genre, the stars mentioned in the sell lines on the front page are usually portrayed on the front of the magazine within small images.

I used the polygonal lasso tool to cut around the image

Tuesday, 18 December 2012

In Design: Isle of wight double spread

This is my second attempt at using in design to produce a double page spread. 

Thursday, 13 December 2012

This is my first attempt at using In Design to create a magazine double page spread.

Tuesday, 27 November 2012

CD Cover - Skills Development

Here I have used different brushes in order to create the effect of the lines down the cover as well as the  shape creation tool to get the shape of the love heart.

Thursday, 15 November 2012

Load Selection Tutorial And Evaluation

Load Selection Tutorial And Evaluation

In order to create this piece of text and the way it looks I used several tools in photoshop. I created the text then modified and expanded the text, then added effects such as a Bevel, to give it a 3D look, a shadow to make the text look even more immersive and i used the colour filler tool to fill in the space within the letter A.

Composition Images Evaluation

 Composition Image Evaluation

Extreme Close Up Shot:

This shot is an extreme close up shot; this has connotations of feelings and emotions.

This shot was taken using manual focus; this enabled us to get the right amount of focus, however I think this photo could be slightly more in focus. We did not use zoom for this because 

Tilt Shot:

This shot is a tilt shot, the camera is looking down on the subject, making him look venerable and weak. 

This shot is slightly out of focus, to take this I used manual focus. 

To improve this shot I could use manual focus more in order to produce a more in focus image.

Long Shot:

This is a long shot, a long shot would normally be used in order to introduce a person and their surroundings.

To improve this image I could place the subject in a more central position as this subject is slightly to the left.
Medium Close Up Shot:

This is a medium close-up shot. You would use this image to see the background as well as the subjects facial expressions.

This is a well composed photo, the subject is in the centre of the frame, his eye-line is above the rule of thirds and the image is in focus.

Improve this image I could create a lighter image perhaps with artificial light or changing the ISE settings on the camera.

Closed Frame Shot:

This is a closed frame shot. These are usually used in order to draw focus upon the subject, the subject is in the centre of the image, above the rule of thirds and the image is well focuses.

If taking another closed frame shot I could look into being more creative, perhaps just close framing his eyes for dramatic effect.